Specialist programs

Find out about the specialist programs our school offers.

Performing Arts

We offer a strong program in the Arts, including music, dance, drama and media. The program helps develop students’ creativity, confidence, cultural knowledge and critical thinking.  

Our program includes: 

  • school choir, with participation in the Festival Choir 
  • participation in the Primary School Music Festival 
  • instrumental music lessons with either the violin, trumpet or recorder 
  • regular assembly dance performances and an end-of-year performance. 
  • Year 5/6 Musical Production

Physical Education

Students can develop team play and team building skills through our specialist sports program. The program is run by our specialist teachers. Our program includes: 

  • SAPSASA events 
  • team sports (cricket, Aussie Rules, football, netball, volleyball, tennis and basketball) 
  • sports day and swimming carnival 
  • swimming and aquatics lessons. 

We also offer lunchtime activities in the gym, which vary each week from basketball to dancing. 


Japanese is our language of study for all students. Each class has a 1-hour lesson per week, which helps student learn to speak the language and understand Japanese culture.  

Some of the things the Japanese program includes is: 

  • learning about Japanese art, dance and music

Learning a language:  

  • helps students gain a broader cultural perspective  
  • opens up career pathways 
  • promotes social cohesion and cross-cultural understanding.  


STEM is taught in the Australian Curriculum through the learning areas of science, technologies and mathematics. Students gain a wide range of skills and knowledge within our STEM program. Our program is run by our specialised teachers.